uch1gatana — 09/06/2024, 16:29 Hello and welcome to the UT3 install guide for 2024! At first, a very simple setup for your UT3 will be introduced, whether you have the disk version or the Steam version. Let's begin! Part 1: Installing UT3 for the first time 1A. DISK INSTALL - If you have UT3 on steam, you can skip this step entirely. Install UT3 with your DVD or disk as normal. Then you will need to manually patch the game with these files IN ORDER: Bonus Pack - https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-3/downloads/ut3-bonus-pack Patch 4 (2.0) - https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-3/downloads/ut3-patch-4 UT3 Titan Pack - https://www.utzone.de/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=3194_UT3-Titan-Pack-PC UT3 Patch 2.1 - https://www.utzone.de/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=2750_UT3-Patch-5-(2.1) 1B. Steam Install - If you don't have a disk, and have the Steam version, skip straight to this step. Install UT3 as normal on Steam. Proceed to the next step. Openspy Patch - You will need to install the OpenSpy patch to play online. DISK USERS CLICK HERE - https://www.mediafire.com/file/hync7azl8wnvz4g/UT3PatchOpenSpy_21.exe/file STEAM USERS CLICK HERE - https://www.mediafire.com/file/qa0timdxizzzy2d/UT3SteamPatchOpenSpy_21.exe/file Install OpenSpy Patch. Open the game. Do not log in. Create a brand new account with OpenSpy. Congratulations, your UT3 now works! Thanks to ut3-ultimate community for helping, check out their website and community, they are EU based: https://ut3-ultimate.com/ uch1gatana — 09/06/2024, 16:40 Part 2: Getting UT3 tweaked to play properly Download the UT3 Optimizer. It is safe. Windows will flag this .exe. This is Normal. Download Link - To be Fixed Run the Installer. You will want to detect your game's document folders and install folders: Image Enable all except FOV! We don't have FreeFOV installed yet so leave that one the only one unchecked. We can modify this once we join a server that has FreeFOV. Hit Apply and you are done. Open UT3, it is ready to play, and optimized for Competitive servers. Image Part 3: Setting up throw weapon bind, and in game settings For some reason, Epic forgot to put the throw weapon bind in their settings menu. It is possible through the ini settings. Find the following ini folder and edit with a notepad: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Config\UTInput.ini. Find your BINDINGS in the notepad editor and add this to the bottom of your BINDINGS: Bindings=(Name="X",Command="ThrowWeapon") the X can be any button, just make sure nothing is bound to it in game. Go to your in game settings, and set up your keybinds. Go to Input, turn off mouse smoothing. I suggest starting at a mouse sensitivity of 500, and adjusting from there. IMPORTANT: GO TO HUD and SHOW THE CLOCK!!!!!!! For some reason Epic never made this a default option. Set your Internet connection speed to LAN in game. PART 4 VERY IMPORTANT Download this Dll input and put it into your /binaries folder for your INSTALL folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries https://github.com/openspy/ut3-proxy/releases/tag/v0.1 This Dinput8--dll will assure that you connect to the OpenSpy server every single time in game. OPTIONAL: Adding UT2004 style mouse aim Find: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\ConfigUTInput.ini. Press CTRL+F on your keyboard and find these two lines; Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False) Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False) Replace them both with these lines; Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=2.0") GitHub Release v0.1 · openspy/ut3-proxy This DLL has been tested with the steam version of the game (Version 2.1). It should work on the non-steam version as long as its the same game version. Simply place this DLL in the same folder as ... Release v0.1 · openspy/ut3-proxy uch1gatana — 09/06/2024, 16:52 OPTIONAL: Part 5: Essential console commands Change FOV mutate fov 120 --- Can be anything up to 130, works with any server with FREEFOV mutator Connect to IP open (then type address) Quit game quit Change sensitivity via console setsensitivity xxx Toggle FPS stat fps Congratulations, you are now ready to play UT3! It's not required, but I absolutely suggest running the game from the UT3.exe file instead of Steam There used to be a problem where you weren't authorized to play, or an infinite "Connecting" screen would show up. This has not happened since OpenSpy came about, but find your Install folder and go to the Binaries Folder: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries Find UT3.exe and right click, Send to Desktop. You are now ready to play!